Sensing Bodies
1 mrt20:15 - 21:40TR25 Schouwburg, RotterdamKleine Zaal
Vrije plaatskeuze Standaard € 19,00 TR Pas € 14,00 Rotterdampas € 14,00 t/m 30 jaar € 10,00
Sensing Bodies is a high-tech audiovisual dance experience created by choreographers Jasper van Luijk and Ruben Chi.
Pushing Waves
How can a person, isolated from the outside world, rediscover who they are? In Pushing Waves, choreographer Jasper van Luijk explores the realm of isolation and imagination. Completely left to himself, a man drifts into his deepest thoughts. With unwavering determination, he clings to memories as the world around him slowly crumbles. What do you hold onto when everything is silent?
Solo dancer Niek Wagenaar directly influences the musical composition created live by sound artist Tom van Wee with his movements and body. A sigh transforms into a cool breeze, a scream becomes radio static, and a bouncing beat evolves into a stomping footstep. In Pushing Waves, the body speaks, even when deafening silence prevails.
In Transcendance by choreographer Ruben Chi and artist Bob Sizoo, dance and artificial intelligence challenge one another. Dancer Ibrah Silas Jackson performs alongside a digital, AI-optimized version of himself—a version that moves freely, beyond the physical and mental limitations of humanity. A dynamic interplay unfolds, questioning the essence of natural growth and evolution. Transcendance invites reflection: how can technology bring us closer to our innermost selves?
About the Creators
SHIFFT is the Utrecht-based dance company led by choreographer Jasper van Luijk. SHIFFT creates cross-disciplinary contemporary dance performances exploring the human being of the future. In 2025, SHIFFT proudly launches its first double bill in collaboration with SoulCypher, the dance company founded by artistic director and choreographer Ruben Chi.
Door de AI alle benodigde ingrediënten te geven voor beweging en een aftastend spel van leiden en volgen te ensceneren, stellen Chi en Sizoo praktische maar filosofische vragen over fysicaliteit, waarneming en immersie.
Pushing Waves
concept Jasper van Luijk en Isabel Meloen choreografie Jasper van Luijk dans en co-creatie Niek Wagenaar dramaturgie Isabel Meloen compositie Tom van Wee lichtontwerp Loes Schakenbos kostuums Carlijn Petermeijer
concept Ruben Chi, Bob Sizoo choreografie Ruben Chi i.s.m. Ibrah Silas Jackson dans Ibrah Silas Jackson creative technologist / AI developer Nikzad Arabshahi lichtontwerp Nikzad Arabshahi kostuum Ishijah Thompson compositie Bastian Benjamin research and development Innovation: Lab Theater Utrecht