Theater Rotterdam

TRaces: Shertise Solano

Shertise Solano

Feeling Curious? / Expo
25 sep 19:00 - 15 nov 20:00


Theater Rotterdam: Dalton Jansen

Feeling Curious?
8 okt - 24 nov

This is not a dance

Theater Rotterdam: Nastaran Razawi Khorasani

8 okt - 30 okt

Opening Night AFFR

Architectuur Filmfestival Rotterdam

9 okt 20:00 - 00:00

Raging against various elements

Connor Schumacher

10 okt en 11 okt



12 okt en 16 okt


Marjolijn van Heemstra i.s.m. De Correspondent

13 okt 16:00 - 17:00

Romeo & Julia

HNTJong / Noël Fischer / Shailesh Bahoran

15 okt 19:30 - 22:20


Theater Rotterdam: Dalton Jansen

Feeling Curious?
8 okt - 24 nov

This is not a dance

Theater Rotterdam: Nastaran Razawi Khorasani

8 okt - 30 okt

Bitemarks on her tongue

Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam: Sue-Ann Bel

18 okt - 11 nov

After us

Theater Rotterdam: Davy Pieters

1 nov - 14 dec

De Hondenpoep Aanval


13 nov - 15 nov

John & Gena

Theater Rotterdam: Wunderbaum

20 nov - 22 dec

Beste Mensen

Bureau Vergezicht / Theater Rotterdam: Erik Whien

4 dec - 7 dec

The Story of Travis

Well Made Productions / Theater Rotterdam: Romana Vrede

19 dec - 19 jan
